I also go by Comickpro on other sites and C0MICK on Youtube. I am an indie animator and comic book artist. I 'm mostly known for the comic book series In The Dark and the animated series Skitzo the 1920s Killer Bear.
- Level:
- 33
- Exp Points:
- 11,742 / 12,090
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 7.44 votes
- Art Scouts
- 5
- Rank:
- Police Lieutenant
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 567
- Saves:
- 1,050
- B/P Bonus:
- 14%
- Trophies:
- 48
- Medals:
- 403
- Supporter:
- 4y 10m 6d
Movie Trophies
Daily 2nd Place
Weekly 3rd Place
Daily Feature
Weekly 5th Place
Daily Feature
Weekly 5th Place
Weekly Users' Choice
Review Crew Pick
Daily Feature
Monthly 4th Place
Underdog of the Week
Daily Feature
Daily Feature
Weekly 5th Place
Daily Feature
Weekly 2nd Place
Review Crew Pick
Daily 2nd Place
Weekly 3rd Place
Daily Feature
Weekly 4th Place
Daily Feature
Weekly 5th Place
Underdog of the Week
Daily 4th Place
Weekly 5th Place