Well my art show is finally over and I removed the artwork the other day :] It was a great run and I'm glad it had such a long exposure; Three months almost! I was told that my comics made good sales at the gallery too so that's great news to hear as well. And no sooner does this one end; I was invited to a new show in NOV! The gallery space will be smaller though so I am making a slightly smaller painting just for the show (I think it will be 3ftx4ft which is SMALL to me haha). I still haven't decided on the subject/theme but my books are packed with tons of ideas I want to paint so it's more a matter of which one would look nice/make sense in a small format...
I was also just invited to go teach a class how to use Flash in Santa Clara coming up Oct 10! It's only a 2 day demo thing but still it will be cool! Mostly basics I think since they have not learned much about how to use the program's features and stuff.
Then out of the blue an old collaborator contacted me! She is an author in Chile that writes humorous political satire and years ago like back in 2001 had asked me to draw inked illustrations for her book. Well I did and the book was published in Chile Bet you all didn't know there is a book out there in Chile with my illustrations (and a cameo of Fibble in there) haha . So anyways she contacted me again and wants to do a Vol 2 in her series; that means she is commissioning me to do the new drawings for this one too which is great! Looking at the old drawings now I know I can draw these new ones MUCH better as well.
My comic pages are coming along too and I have a new page penciled out...so just need to ink it. And my flash episode has actually moved a smidge closer to being done. Still a ways to go though since I'm so freaking slow and busy guuuhhh. I have also been investigating a few new things art-wise...PRINTS. Like high quality prints on some of my paintings, but I'll say more of that when I get closer to a good example of it (just testing it out now). Oh AND I did a new digital painting of Idolatry (my character from Issue 2 of In The Dark) Go check him out here Idolatry-The HAPPY KAWAII CAT Yup lots of stuff is coming soon!
schleep gleep meep
I don't let my schleep gleep if they meep.