So after 2 months of on and off drawing and shading, I finally finished a new animation. It's an experimental piece that is related to my paintings and comic book "In The Dark" . A while back I released a teaser of my desire to start an animated series on them too .Well, it's been slow but I'm still chugging away on it and the first animatic for a 2 min short is finally set. In the meantime I started work on this supplementary piece that relates to one of my paintings titled "Abortion". The painting itself is here in the NG art portal if you want to see it
So anyways, my art teachers suggested that since I know how to animate, I might want to try making some media-based pieces that would sit in the gallery alongside the paintings. Nothing with a plot, but more like a tiny window that would allow the audience to see the demons in my work acting and living as they would, (outside the comic book's storyline). Sort of like if a camera was placed in the painting and just recorded for a while. Thus it has been created, the first "Quick Bite". The gallery version plays the animation on a solid loop but I personalized this particular version just for Newgrounds :] Gave it a loader, new alias intro, added an "extra info" menu, and even threw in an Easter egg that's really worth finding (but NSFW). So give it a look, I'm really proud of it haha In The Dark-Abortion
And here's a picture of my lastest painting WIP (its 7 ft tall)...
Big fan of your work...
Thanks for looking at it! :)