I also go by Comickpro on other sites and C0MICK on Youtube. I am an indie animator and comic book artist. I 'm mostly known for the comic book series In The Dark and the animated series Skitzo the 1920s Killer Bear.




San Francisco, CA

Joined on 9/6/06

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11,742 / 12,090
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Vote Power:
7.44 votes
Art Scouts
Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
4y 10m 7d


That flash was a lot less epic than I expected. But I like your art style.

Thanks man! :) I appreciate you watched it anyways

lmao i love that painting

man that contest was quite a while ago fuck

Thanks! :D I think I will call it "The Underwear Licker" haha

yeah it was O_o (!!)

Hehehehe :D

He is looking at something a little TOO fondly :D

That is a mighty nice pup!
I hope your classmates apreciate you for what you do because it is very unique and nice and I can see you put a lot of effort in all of your cartoony paintings

No idea how you managed to do 2000+ frames in 4 days but that is very sweet. Hope to see what you got to offer soon!


"an animator named Rtil."

Thanks Eman ^^ I do get some great love and feedback on my art and from my classmates! Their suggestions help me continue to expand and grow so much! But of course there are artists that don't like the work either :S One nice thing about my critics though is that they say, "I don't like it (taste) and I don't really "get" it (like the context) but you paint it very well, and you know what you're doing, you back it with rich knowledge of your subject matter, and the work shows effort.... so yes I still acknowledge that its Art." This makes me happy to hear at least! :} And I guess I can't blame them for not liking my art when their art is like a pile of red sand on a plate or a documentation of paper-scraps glued into the shape of a boat...lol it's a completely different set of taste! XD

and lol I always just say people's alias names ;b

oy hang on a sec I remember seeing that toon on the tba contest yes!

Awesome drawing, reminds me something like ren & stimpy.

You should sell your artwork to funhouses or something of that shocking, eerie nature.

Hahaha thanks! XD But I already sell them in art galleries for probably more money than what a funhouse would give me LMAO

Sounds like a lot of work.Good luck !

Thanks! :)

That dog is cute in a disturbing way. But I love disturbing cute things =D

haha thats cool XD thanks man!

Hi there:

I left you a constructive review and my plea as well as others to expand it to a full series. I'm sure you'll find it very resourceful.

I'm appalled and sorry that your animation didn't win, although I must offer my admiration for making it to the final round. If it's not too much trouble to ask, if you didn't win, then er... who did? And which flash movie.

I'm surprised I didn't know who you were until now, a talented flash artist such as yourself should have some degree of recognition on newgrounds. I'm adding you to my list of favorite artists and will keep watch on some of your future works. I'm sure you won't disappoint me.

Keep up the good work. You are a wonderful flash artist who will definitely make it big. Believe me when I say it because I don't say it often: You have some serious talent and I hope to see it develop into something special and amazing.

Hoping to see more from you,

Hey thanks man for the fav artist thing ^^ And again glad you liked my work! I will probably do more as soon as time allows me and thanks for all the support. I appreciate it. Also the winner was not a flash, it was a comic. She draws very cool and is a nice friend I chat to ^_^; I blame me not winning because I made a sad dramatic ending with Apocalyptica music lol.

PS. Leave a comment on my deviantart page and I'll add you to my watch. Haven't updated it in ages, as I lost my own series: Evolution Fighters when my computer crashed due to a virus. I'll ask a few friends who've read it to see if I can't piece some of it back.

Here: <a href="http://Adrenal-Storm.deviantart.com">http://Adrenal-Storm.deviantart.com</a>

sure :) I update my DA all the time if you are interested. http://comickpro.deviantart.com/

I can't wait to get the comic is it only at San fransico or is it going to be shipped everywere ? Anyways I like the flash cartoon I didn't even know that I like remstien until now speaking of Witch ever heard of the band tiger army ? I

I'll have the comic for sale in SF for the first month or so at my art show but then I will set up a system for people to buy it on-line (through Paypal) and shipped anywhere. :) haha and yeah I love Rammstein! <3 I looked up Tiger Army and I like it a lot! Thanks for the suggestion :3 I enjoy the kinda psychobilly sound they have.


It's me again. Thanks for the responses - they were quite friendly, as most deviantart users are. I started to go through your works and realized that Sonic Shorts: Volume 6 has been... on hiatus recently? It's quite an enjoyable piece of work and it gave me a few laughs. I would be awfully disappointed if you guys didn't continue. =/

Yeah I'll add you to my watch. I need some source of inspiration, and you gave me a new spark. Probably since I'm doing medical school applications right now formed schools in Australia that I've been a bit slacky on my deviantart. I was even going to learn how to draw flash animations... well, all in the past - your work has inspired me to start again. I'll see if I can't start drawing again in a week or two.

I also read your response to my review and I appreciate your response! I'm glad you liked my review. Though I should point out that I understand you allowed Zane to have the upper hand. I like that - good guys should always be the underdog, stronger than common people, but not the strongest and it's always through sheer dumb luck or the bad guy's overconfidence that the good guys win. I dislike flash where the good guys are overly dominant, win fights without getting such as a scratch on them, where the bad guys seem so strong, but don't even land a single hit on the good guy.

Well, I suppose I was theorizing about making Zane a long-lasting villain/rival not to be destroyed in a single fight. I guess I was giving a hypothesis of a fight under circumstances should you wish to make this into a series. You only had a few days to animate it, so I don't blame you in not being able to draw out the flash into longer series. But that you left it in a cliffhanger ending made us ponder on hopes of some sort of continuation? Perhaps that why I didn't want Zane to get finished off in one fight - a rival should survive multiple fights and win until the last fight.

Now I'm just being a fanboy. My bad, getting overly excited in something I'm not sure you wish to continue, as it was for a contest thing. But you should know that by now, you've gathered quite a fanbase for that flash and many of us would love to see it develop it into a potential series that could go down in history of newgrounds.

Ah - so it was Shadowfox who made some of the music: I thought it was someone familiar. He has quite the touch =D.

Well, since I've watched some of your works on newgrounds, might as well go look at some of your deviantart works.

(Opened my account to see 582 deviations and 387 messages. Just to show how long I've been inactive). Oh my...


Haha wow thanks again. Yeah Zane is dead sorry :) He will not be returning unless something fixes him I guess, but that would be so cliche lol. I've been thinking about it being a series yeah...but I might do it as a comic instead. Hope that doesn't make you sad ^^; but I want to draw him a little bit more and get more stories made before I try doing another flash with SAHU. Again thanks for being so nice and good luck with your medical school applications!

I'm glad you like it comick ,there's alot of other bands that I know you probaitly might my favrote band right now is the cruxshadows and renstein,anyway I really wish I could go to your art show but San fransico is to much for an arm and leg hmm.. Can you at least tell me which of the artwork your going to post at the gallery maybe that funny yet cute doggy painting the eyes are so realilistic I hope one day I can know how to paint like you but for now I'll just use my shezzy.art accont yes I have a shezzy.art accont you can see it here <a href="http://roadburn19.shezzyart.com/">http://roadburn19.shezzyart.com/</a> just showing some of my doodles I'll be inking a few other drawings later on.

I'll check those guys out ;] Yeah no prob haha, there's no point in going so far when the comic will be for sale on-line and the paintings will be posted up too XD. I'm debating which ones to put right now but I think it will be "Idolatry", "Envy" (new), and "Despair and Anxiety give Sin a Cookie" (this one I'm still painting lol). I don't have a shezzyart though, but I'll still take a peek at your stuff for sure :)

Whoops! Wrong link here's the real one <a href="http://roadburn19.sheezyart.com">http://roadburn19.sheezyart.com</a>

Well, it doesn't have to be someone else to fix Zane. Zane could fix himself - after all he is a maniac and wields horrendous powers of destruction - what can't he do?

But if you're intent on leaving Zane dead, then... oh well. I respect your choice. I'll add you to my deviant watch. Hold on.

I look at your gallery and it says that the idolatry painting is block so I have no clue why it but my guess is that there's somthing in the picture distrubing but can you at least tell me what sins doing? Or idolatry but if you don't want to tell me I understand I'll just wait about the time I hit matrurty ( which will be a very long time after I'm done posting this reivew ) hm.. Anixtey you know the first time I came to your ng accont I think I did see the drawing in your art portal I think it was some type of big fat demon that had a baby animal thing yeah I forgot a little bit of what it look like but I don't know why you deleted it , and abortion the gummy bear bug thing but o
I hope to see some of your art soon just something about about sin reminds me of dark gaia combined with chip from sonic unleased and the old Koopa king bowser from my super nentido (and yes I have a super nitedo and sonic unleased he he sega turn sonic into a werehog) you know u should draw vector the crocodille sometime I think that's about all I wanted to say so I'll end this ... K. Bye


Yeah my Idolatry pic is set to mature...so are most of my paintings actually heh. I'm sorry you can't see it through but you're only like what 14? I don't want to be responsible for letting kids see my messed up stuff and then their parents complaining about it. ^^; so yeah sorry. As for the 2nd part you wrote about sin looking like 5 different video games combined haha omg no please don't ever do that again! That whole paragraph made me cringe so badly. lol XD I might draw vector one day though...hmm...but he's not like my fav character or anything so idk. Thanks again roadburn ^^ b

Oh goodness sorry about my opinon that's just how my brain works ,
cruse you brain! Just pretend I said that sin looks like an elbino dog and I'll wait until I turn 18 or older to get my devaint art acount ( the computer tells me I can't cuz it says I'm not allowed since I'm under the age of 14 sorry) Hm.... And instead about vector how bout mepiles sometime I dunno it's in option , I just think mepiles is a cool charecter I'm drawing him actally think I might give him a glowing aura or something eh .. Happy V-day I guess

Haha yeah its no prob....and yeah I'd rather hear hes an "albino dog" XD lol! Hope you had a happy V-day too! :D
hmm, Mephiles was okay, I liked his voice. :]

too bad you didnt win but anyway i just wanna ask why fibble? why is it that he can see demons, was chosen to be protected by sin, and why does he look like a woman (what he does) and please make more art THE DISTURBEDNESS OF THIS ART FEEDS MY SOULLLLLLLL MRUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA

All those things are brought up later in the comic story :D so I can't say them yet! But as for him looking like a girl (LOL) well I didn't think he looks like one XD but he IS very wimpy I guess haha. Thanks again! I will post more soon!

"Smacks Face" Wow when i commented on your Flash i kept spelling Villains wrong.... Darn it hey could you check out the comment though?

haha its ok I spell it wrong to..thank you spell check! :D

Yeah I'll check it out soon :)

Excellent picture. I'll draw, so that it goes on my page and leave your comment

what?? I didn't understand what you wrote.

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